• Get Your Restaurant Ready For Winter Weather

    Getting your restaurant ready for winter includes more than just changing up your menu; you also need to make sure that your physical space is ready for the transition to winter as well. Here are a few tips for making that your restaurant is ready for winter weather. Transition Your Outdoor Space Many restaurants make the mistake of closing down their outdoor dining space when winter rolls around. However, this is a big mistake.
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  • Make Ordering Pizza More Convenient Online

    If you are looking for a quick meal to be delivered to your door, it doesn't get much faster than ordering pizza. While it used to be that you had to order your pizza over the phone, you can now take advantage of online ordering to make ordering pizza more convenient than ever.  The First-Time Hurdle The most difficult part of ordering pizza online is the initial order because it is during this first time that you have to enter your address, a password, and credit card information.
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  • Tips for Tipping Your Pizza Delivery Driver

    Pizza delivery is a wonderful service that allows people to purchase pizza for larger groups of people and getting that food to the house without leaving the party. It makes the job of the host or the hostess much easier because it allows him or her to enjoy the party and still make sure that everyone is fed. However, one main sticking point for people who purchase pizza and have it delivered is how much to tip the pizza delivery driver.
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  • Four Examples Of Why Southern Italian Cuisine Is So Special

    Italian food is more diverse than many would expect. Spaghetti, other types of pasta, and pizza are just the tip of the iceberg. Each region has its specialities. These dishes have origins linked to their respective locations and histories, all of which differ since Italy only became a united nation in 1861. Southern Italy, in particular, with its proximity to Northern Africa and waterways has an eclectic cuisine. Any diner at an Italian restaurant should inquire as to what Southern dishes might be on the menu.
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  • 8 Tips for Eating Healthier at Your Favorite Mexican Restaurant

    When you decide to eat healthier, you have to sometimes give up some of your favorite foods. Fortunately, Mexican foods are not one of them. Here are some tips for making smarter and healthier choices at your favorite Mexican restaurant.  Limit the chips. Chips and salsa is a great appetizer, but they can also be packed with calories. Grab a handful of the chips to eat and skip the rest.
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  • Four Food Safety Tips To Keep In Mind When You Have A Meal Catered

    When you have a meal catered, the catering company is responsible for ensuring the food you are given is handled safely up until the point of delivery. Once the caterers leave, however, it's on you to make sure you handle that food properly, so nobody in your party ends up with food poisoning. These four tips will help you do just that. Keep the dishes of food covered when guests are not actively serving themselves.
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  • Enjoy Your Next Pizza without Dietary Guilt

    Pizza sometimes gets placed into the category of fast food or junk food. This may be one reason why you do not eat pizza regularly. The truth is that you can enjoy pizza, and it does not have to be an unhealthy indulgence. Know Your Health Risks If you are a person who has gluten allergies, you can avoid allergy flare-ups by choosing a pizza restaurant that offers gluten-free pizza crust options.
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  • "Game" Changer: Try These Three Tasty, Nutritious Meats

    Americans love meat. Beef, chicken, and pork are staples in numerous restaurant dishes, but these three powerhouses are not your only meat options. If you want to branch out but unusual meats like armadillo and wild boar are a little too "out there" for your palate, consider these three healthy and unique--but not too unique--meat options. Duck Duck-based dishes are not as common here in America as they are in France and China, but this bird is a rising ingredient in cuisine popularity.
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  • Important Tips For Taking Young Relatives To Family Restaurants

    Are you the aunt or uncle of a small child? Are you considering taking your niece or nephew to a local family restaurant like Plaza Tapatia as a treat? If you don't have any children of your own, you may be at a loss as to how to have a successful and stress free meal with your younger relatives. Here are some tips to get through the meal with as few headaches as possible: 
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  • Whip Up A Healthy Mexican-Style Side Dish: Cucumbers And Stewed Tomatoes

    If you're thinking of preparing a Mexican dish for dinner tonight, you might think your side options are limited to beans and rice. However, if you're looking for something that's lower in calories, healthier for you, and still full in flavor, then you might instead want to consider giving this Mexican-style side dish, which contains fresh cucumbers and stewed tomatoes, a try. What it Pairs Well With The great thing about this dish is that it's so versatile.
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